IMVU Catalog


IMVU Derivables

High quality, Low weight, Great Priced

Looking to derive?

IMVU has such a wide range of creators, that as a “Mesher” creating the 3D wireframe base models we need to cater for all styles and preferences. MV puts a lot of time and effort into providing for many levels of skills, offering easy to texture mesh for the beginner that only needs to change out the texture, or for those who like a little more of a challenge, MV provides detailed texture maps for artists to texture within the lines to produce unique creations.

MV uses optimized 1kb numbered 64x64jpg images on every derivable to allow creators the ability to add higher quality textures to their versions, thus keeping the weight of the finished product to its lowest for rendering within the IMVU client and allowing customers to fit more in their rooms without adding lag.

Most of the latest MV mesh created has vertex shading embedded into the mesh to help creators get the best visual realistic looks to their creations. This can be turned off also in create mode if you rather texture in your own shading. Added ground shadow plains are also added to many of the models, these also can be blacked out or customized depending on your needs.

Although MV specializes in mainly rooms and furniture ranges, you may find a few accessories, clothing and other unique products lurking in between the pages of the catalog.



“With Derivables”

MV Products are spread out on several accounts, while I try to keep accounts for a particular purpose, sometimes they can be cross promoting. All my accounts carry the MV logo icons in the bottom right corner. If your looking for a variation or just part of a mesh, please send me a message, it may already be done on one of these accounts and I can find it for you.
Accounts and “Main purpose”

MissVix – Themed Rooms & Furniture Collections
Missvixx – Holiday, Club, Dances
oMVo – Props & Medieval
MVReflected – Reflective and pose requests.
MVStuff – Actions and Accessories
BundleWareHouse – Decorated Bundle Ranges